Please see the following important announcements from the Edgemont School System:


Dear Edgemont Community Members,

This email is targeting the broader community to address a few community topics. First and foremost, we trust you and yours are well or recovering quickly. We thank all community members who are on the frontlines in medicine and health care and first responders who are putting themselves and their families at risk by helping others and contributing to the greater good.

School facilities

School facilities are closed. Please do not use the school grounds at all. This includes all fields, courts and playgrounds. Anytime groups are gathering, you are extending the time before the entire community can get back to normal, and putting people’s health at risk. The schools are closed and people are staying home for a reason. This is important and we need your compliance. It is especially important for parents to reinforce this message with their children, no matter what their age.

Board of Education meetings

During this period while we are unable to have in person Board meetings, we have been conducting them online. To listen to any meetings that have been conducted this way, please click on the link below to see a short video of how you can access any that you have been unable to attend. The recordings will generally be posted the following day.

How to access Board meeting recordings

Here are the direct links to the recordings of the two meetings to date which have been conducted that way.

March 24, 2020 Board meeting – The actual meeting begins at about the 9 minute 30 second mark.

March 31, 2020 Board meeting – The actual meeting begins at about the 15 minute 45 second mark.

Community Updates

If any of you know people in Edgemont who no longer have children in the schools, please feel free to forward this to them, and please encourage them to sign up for these Edgemont Community Email Blasts. They can do that by clicking on the link below, or by going to and clicking on the “E-News/Email Blast Sign Up” button in the lower right hand part of the page.

E-News/Email Blast Sign Up

Edgemont excels in so many ways, let’s excel at slowing and eliminating the spread of this virus in our community.


Victoria Kniewel

Alec Clarke
President Board of Education