ECC Dues Increased for 2023-2024 Membership Year

ECC annual dues have been fixed at $30 since 2013. The ECC Board of Directors, at its March 6 meeting unanimously approved an increase of the entry-level dues for 2023-2024 to $40 and also created two additional dues levels, $100 (Panther level) and $250 (Leadership level). Members who join at any of the three levels will have all the same rights and privileges afforded to members of the ECC. The additional money received from the two new membership levels will be considered an additional contribution to further the work of the ECC.

With these additional funds, the ECC will be able to keep up with the increased costs associated with its print and electronic communications and also establish a Programming/Community Engagement Fund will allow for the creation of a funding source for both neighborhood and community-wide programming. The ECC is doing more than ever to advocate for the interests of and create a sense of community within Edgemont. In addition to funding all ECC activities, ECC dues also support the School Board Nominating Committee which recruits and recommends qualified candidates to serve on the Edgemont Board of Education and is critical to the ongoing success of the School District.

Residents can pay their 2023-2024 membership dues by sending payment to via zelle or by visiting

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