Reminder - Vote Today in the Democratic Primary Election

Dear Edgemont Residents,

Civic participation is the cornerstone of our democracy. Having a strong voter turnout from Edgemont is one way that Edgemont is able to influence change and strengthen the advocacy efforts of the Edgemont Community Council. If you did not already participate in early voting, please vote today, June 25, 2024, in the Democratic Primary Election. There is no Republican Party or any other party primary for voters in Edgemont this year.

Who can vote?

You are only allowed to vote in the primary election for your respective political party. ONLY registered voters enrolled in the Democratic Party can vote in the 2024 CD-16 and District Attorney Democratic Primary Election. 

Who is on the ballot?

To see who is on your ballot click this link for Vote411, type in your address, and click on the candidates to learn more about them and their positions on issues.

Where do I vote on Election Day – June 25, 2024?

Election day voting will take place at your normal poling place. To look up your polling place please visit Polls are open on election day from 6AM to 9PM.

While the Edgemont Community Council has a policy not to endorse specific candidates, we encourage all eligible residents to participate in the election process.

Voting is not just a privilege; it’s a responsibility and a powerful tool for change.

Dylan F. Pyne
President, The Edgemont Community Council

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