Community Encouraged to Get Involved with the ECC and Join an ECC Committee

Looking to get more involved in the community? The Edgemont Community Council (ECC) is seeking residents to volunteer with the ECC.

About the ECC: We are the leading advocacy and civic engagement organization in Edgemont. The ECC represents our community’s interests and advocates for Edgemont at all levels of government. We maintain relationships at the town, county, state, and federal levels to advance issues that affect the Edgemont community.

The ECC also works to build a sense of community by planning events and supporting organizations that foster community engagement and spirit. The ECC is the umbrella organization for the neighborhood associations within Edgemont, and also plans gatherings that bring the community together, like regular community service volunteer opportunities with local nonprofits, the Crane’s Pond Halloween Parade, and Crane’s Pond Menorah lighting; and underwrites expenses associated with the School Board Nominating Committee and the Edgemont Newcomers’ Club.

Within the ECC there are five standing committees, which are:
ECC Nominating: Helps recruit community members to get involved with the ECC and the School Board Nominating Committee.
Governmental Affairs: Monitors government activity as it relates to Edgemont and advocates on issues that impact the Edgemont community.
Newcomers: Plans events for new residents to Edgemont to get to know each other and the greater community.
Programming: Plans and assists with community-wide events to bring residents together and foster community spirit.
Public Safety: Advocates for public safety initiatives to improve the quality of life in Edgemont, including initiatives related to traffic, sidewalks, and pedestrian safety.

The ECC Board of Directors meets once a month, typically the 1st Monday of every month from September through June, in the EHS Faculty Lounge. All members of the Edgemont community are invited to attend ECC Board of Directors Meetings. Each committee meets regularly throughout the year at varying frequencies among the committees.

The first ECC meeting of the new year will be Monday, September 9th at 8PM in the EHS Faculty Lounge. Our full meeting schedule can be found here. If you are interested in learning more about getting involved with the ECC or joining one of our standing committees, please reach out to us at

I hope to see you at our meeting on the 9th or at a meeting or event throughout the year.

Dylan F. Pyne
President, The Edgemont Community Council

P.S. If you have not already joined the ECC for the 2024-2025 membership year, you can do so here. Thank you for supporting community engagement!

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