ECC Soliciting Feedback on Potential Edgemont-Wide Speed Reduction

Last fall, the Edgemont Community Council and its Public Safety Committee submitted a Traffic and Safety Report to the Greenburgh Town Board. This was the culmination of a comprehensive traffic and pedestrian safety initiative that lasted eleven months and involved 12 interactive, neighborhood-specific online workshops and 5 surveys with 632 total responses from residents. Since then, the ECC has successfully advocated for significant public safety improvements in Edgemont including a new school zone on Old Army Road, the planned installation of a “smart” traffic light at the intersection of Ardsley Road and Fort Hill Road, and in partnership with Assemblymember Amy Paulin, a revised “school timing plan” for the traffic signal at the intersection of Central Avenue and Underhill Road/Old Army Road.

One community concern that was raised consistently throughout last year’s community engagement process, and has continued to be raised since, is vehicular speeding on nearly every road in Edgemont. 

In October 2022, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signed legislation that now makes it easier for municipalities to reduce the speed limit to 25 mph on local roads. Previously, 30 mph was the lowest a speed limit could be set unless a municipality conducted a traffic study and adopted a resolution.

To address the community speeding concerns in Edgemont, the Edgemont Community Council is soliciting additional community feedback on a potential Edgemont-wide area speed reduction. This would reduce the speed limit on all town roads in the Edgemont community to 25 mph.

If there is broad community support for an area speed reduction in Edgemont, the ECC will advocate for this change, and the Greenburgh Police Department has already committed to moving forward with the recommendation of the ECC.

To provide feedback on an Edgemont-wide area speed reduction, please click this link and complete the survey by Friday, September 13th –

If community members have other feedback on traffic and safety improvement opportunities in Edgemont, they can contact the ECC at

Dylan F. Pyne
President, The Edgemont Community Council

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