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Engineering and Design Begin for Old Army Road Sidewalk TAP Grant Project

Dear Edgemont Community,

I am pleased to share an important update on the Old Army Road Sidewalk Project. Last night at its February 26, 2025, meeting, the Greenburgh Town Board approved a contract with Barton & Loguidice for surveying and engineering design services. This marks the next step in implementing the $4.8 million Federal Highway Administration (FHA) TAP grant-funded project announced last year. The contract, valued at $345,000, will be funded 80% by federal grants and 20% by the Town of Greenburgh.

Barton & Loguidice was selected after a competitive review process and will now begin critical design work for new sidewalks, ramps, and crosswalks along Old Army Road. This project will improve pedestrian access to Edgemont Jr./Sr. High School, Seely Place Elementary School, the Scarsdale Metro-North Station, and the Central Avenue corridor. The design phase is expected to continue through 2025 and 2026, with opportunities for community input before construction begins in early 2027.

This milestone builds on the ECC’s ongoing public safety advocacy efforts and priorities as identified in the ECC’s October 2023 Traffic and Safety Report and reinforced by community feedback and engagement. Just two weeks ago, at the February 12th, 2025 meeting, the Town Board adopted a set of resolutions as a result of the ECC’s successful advocacy for a number of traffic and pedestrian safety measures, including lowering the speed limit to 25 mph in the Longview and Southern Greenville neighborhoods, implementing new parking restrictions near Greenville Elementary School to ease congestion and improve visibility, prohibiting parking near the Fort Hill Road and Maple Ridge Court intersection to enhance sight distance, and installing a stop sign at the Robin Hill Road and Mount Joy Avenue intersection to clarify right-of-way and reduce driver confusion.

Thank you to the Town Board, Community Development & Conservation Commissioner Garrett Duquesne, DPW Commissioner Rich Fon, Commanding Officer of the Greenburgh Police Traffic and Safety Unit Sergeant Benjamin Fontanilles, Town Engineer Jason Coppola, and everyone in the community who has supported this effort. When we work together, we make our community a safer place for all residents.

Dylan F. Pyne
President, The Edgemont Community Council

CD 1 – 02/26/2025: Resolution authorizing a professional service agreement with Barton & Loguidice, for surveying and engineering design services for a federal-aid project known as the Old Army Road Sidewalk Project [TB 24-11] PIN 8763.44