Greenburgh Nature Center Launches Petition Requesting Community Support for its Contract Renewal with the Town of Greenburgh

In a letter to the community dated August 8th, Greenburgh Nature Center Board of Directors Chair Tracey Kurzweil announced the launch of a petition “encouraging the Town of Greenburgh Board to take immediate action and renew its 25-year contract with the Nature Center”.

For nearly 50 years, The Greenburgh Nature Center has operated successfully as a private, educational nonprofit in partnership with the Town of Greenburgh, which owns the property. Under this agreement, the Greenburgh Nature Center manages, operates, and largely funds (81%) the 33-acre nature preserve, animal exhibits, and educational center, providing immense value to the community and visitors.

After two years of discussions with the Town of Greenburgh to forge a new agreement, despite the Nature Center’s significant contributions to the community and its willingness to compromise, the Town of Greenburgh has yet to renew its contract with the Greenburgh Nature Center. This delay has already had a negative impact on the Greenburgh Nature Center, including:

  • – Suspension of long-term grant applications by the Greenburgh Nature Center beyond 2026.
  • – Major donor contributions to the Greenburgh Nature Center are being put on hold.
  • – Difficulties by the Greenburgh Nature Center in hiring and retaining valued employees.
  • – Delays in large Greenburgh Nature Center-funded projects.
  • – Uncertainty about the legal status of the Greenburgh Nature Center beyond 2026.

Without a renewed contract, the Nature Center could be forced to close its doors. This would be a devastating loss for the community. This petition is not just about saving a piece of land; it’s about preserving a community treasure that has provided educational programs, family-friendly events, and a haven for local wildlife for decades.

Since the petition’s launch, over 2,500 community members have signed it supporting the Nature Center’s efforts to secure a renewed contract with the Town of Greenburgh. To join the Greenburgh Nature Center in its efforts to renew its contract and sign the petition, please visit

The Edgemont Community Council supports the Greenburgh Nature Center and joins them in requesting a quick resolution to the ongoing contract negotiations with the Town of Greenburgh, and encourages the community at large to do the same. By working together, we can ensure that the Greenburgh Nature Center continues to be a valuable community resource for future generations.

Dylan F. Pyne
President, The Edgemont Community Council

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