Greenburgh Police Chief Bryan Ryan has released the following information regarding the accident this morning in which an Edgemont ninth grader was struck by a motor vehicle while crossing Central:

Dear Mr. Bernstein,

Unfortunately, a pedestrian, (14 year old Edgemont HS student), was struck by a motor vehicle as he was crossing Central Park Avenue in the vicinity of Campus Place. The accident occurred at approximately 8:20 AM. The preliminary investigation thus far indicates that the student attempted to cross Central Park Avenue mid-block walking east and was struck by a motor vehicle traveling southbound on Central Park Avenue. The driver of the vehicle stopped immediately and remained on scene for police. 

The victim was treated at the scene by EMS for multiple injuries and was transported to the Westchester Medical Center where he is listed in stable condition. Greenburgh Police Accident Investigators are conducting an investigation into the accident to determine the cause and contributing factors.


Brian Joseph Ryan

Chief of Police

Town of Greenburgh Police Department

(914) 989-1740

The ECC will post updated information as soon as it becomes available.