Greenburgh Police Improve Safety on Edgemont Road in Preparation for School Opening

In response to community feedback, the Greenburgh Police Department has installed a new digital speed board on the eastbound Edgemont Road curve between Round Hill Road and Artillery Lane. This curve has long been dangerous as it features a downward grade, which can cause drivers to increase in speed while coming around the curve heading towards the crosswalk at Edgemont Road and Barclay Road. This crosswalk is along a high-trafficked route for students walking to and from Edgemont Jr./Sr. High School.

Installed by GPD before the start of school, this temporary measure will make the road safer while GPD can investigate more permanent long-term corrective options. Drivers are encouraged to take notice of the new sign and adjust their behavior.

GPD has committed to investigating what additional signage can be placed to make Edgemont Road between Robin Hill Road and Barclay Road safer and also to studying the feasibility of enhanced safety measures at the Edgemont Road and Barclay Road crosswalk.

Safety has been a priority for the Edgemont Community Council over the past year, which will continue into the coming year. In response to long-standing concerns of Edgemont residents, further highlighted by a series of high-profile traffic accidents in the fall of 2022, the ECC launched a comprehensive traffic and safety initiative. Over the past ten months the ECC has hosted 12 interactive, neighborhood-specific online workshops and conducted 5 surveys with 632 total responses from residents. The ECC Traffic, Sidewalks, and Safety Committee will be presenting its initial analysis and recommendations to the ECC Board of Directors at its September 11th Board of Directors meeting.

The ECC thanks the Greenburgh Police Department for taking action and quickly responding to community feedback and looks forward to continuing to work with the Town Board and the Greenburgh Police Department to make Edgemont safer for all residents.

If any residents have any feedback, observations, or suggestions for the ECC Traffic, Sidewalks, and Safety Committee, please contact us at Please also include us in any communication to Town officials so we can assist in following up and tracking outstanding safety concerns.