Greenville Fire Dept Covid-19 Notification

Please see the following letter from the Greenville FD regarding their COVID-19 precautions. The text is below in case you have trouble accessing the link:

March 20, 2020
Dear Edgemont Community,
Please be assured that your Fire District stands ready to respond, even in these unusual times.

The COVID-19 virus presents a stark, new challenge, and we are faced with rapidly changing realities for us, our families, and the way we live our lives. However, your Fire District has adapted in order to keep our community and our GFD members (both career and volunteer), safe. We hope you will never need us, but we’ll be there if you do.

We do ask that you help us to help you. If you call for assistance, the dispatcher will immediately send us to your location. However, the dispatcher will also ask you a series of questions designed to assess the COVID-19 risk that you present. For the sake of yourself, the first responders, hospital staff and others, please fully and accurately respond to the questions. Answering the dispatcher’s questions will not delay the response (we are already on our way) or alter the quality of the service we provide. Answering these questions accurately, will help preserve the safety of our community and the first responders that protect it.

In addition, we encourage you to:
Maintain social distancing and limiting non-essential travel
Wash your hands
Follow protocols put out by the Center for Disease Control

Greenville Fire District
Board of Fire Commissioners