Join the ECC Today!

The ECC is the leading advocacy and engagement organization in Edgemont and is the only group representing the entire Edgemont community. In addition to funding all ECC community building activities and advocacy initiatives, membership dues support both the Edgemont Newcomers Club, which works to create a sense of welcoming and belonging for new residents to the community, and the School Board Nominating Committee, which recruits and recommends qualified candidates to serve on the Edgemont Board of Education and is critical to the ongoing success of the School District.

Members who join at any of the three levels will have all the same rights and privileges afforded to members of the ECC. The additional funds received from the $100 and $250 levels will be considered an additional contribution to further the work of the ECC.

We appreciate those who pay their membership dues by sending payment to via Zelle, as there are no fees. But if you prefer to pay via PayPal, please use the corresponding drop down below to pay your dues for 2024-2025 membership year.

2024-2025 Membership Levels