Nero Elected Greenburgh Town Clerk, Haber Elected and Jackson Re-Elected to Greenburgh Town Board

Yesterday, Tuesday November 7, 2023, voters across Greenburgh elected Lisa Maria Nero as Greenburgh Town Clerk, defeating 15-year incumbent Judith Beville.

Voters also elected to the Town Council community leader Joy Haber and re-elected Councilwoman Gina Jackson, who was first elected to the Town Council in 2019. With the election of Haber to the Town Board, three of the five Town Board members are new to the Town Board as of 2019.

The Edgemont Community Council congratulates Gina, Joy, and Lisa on their election and looks forward to partnering with them, the rest of the Town Board, and the Town of Greenburgh professional staff to work together on issues that impact Edgemont.