New York State to Pave Central Park Avenue (Route 100) in Edgemont

On July 11th, Governor Kathy Hochul announced that work has begun on infrastructure projects in Westchester County that will promote resiliency along key corridors. Included in these projects is the investment of $17 million to resurface State Route 100, also known as Central Park Avenue. The project encompasses the 4.5-mile section of State Route 100 from Underhill Avenue in the City of Yonkers to the City of White Plains line, including the stretch that runs through the entirety of the Edgemont community in the Town of Greenburgh. This project will improve roadway conditions and create a more efficient transportation network for area communities along these north-south roadways, boost safety and mobility for roadway users while supporting statewide sustainability efforts, and further the long-term durability of New York’s infrastructure.

“Investing in and transforming infrastructure is a focus for my administration, and these projects in Westchester County exemplify this commitment,” Governor Hochul said. “This is not just an investment to repave roadways, but an investment in our communities — enhancing public safety while improving mobility and the travel experience for the people who utilize these corridors.”

These projects will consist of milling the existing pavement and resurfacing the existing pavement with a warm-mix fiber-reinforced asphalt overlay that’s longer-lasting, more durable and will minimize cracking. Grooved inlaid striping with reflective epoxy paint will also be added to increase the visibility of pavement markings during storms. These projects have been designed to minimize impacts to the traveling public, with all work being conducted during nighttime hours with single lane closures during paving operations. Additionally, traffic signals will be upgraded, drainage improvements will be included in the project, and curb ramps, where present, will be made compliant with current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidance.

The northbound portion of State Route 100 is anticipated to be complete in Fall 2024 with the southbound complete in Fall 2025.

Edgemont’s State Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins said, “I am proud that under my leadership, the New York State Senate has prioritized transformative investments in our road infrastructure to make it safer and more resilient via historic investments in CHIPs, extreme winter recovery and pave our potholes programs. Today’s announcement of over $30 million for resurfacing projects and transportation upgrades in Westchester County is a continuation of our work to modernize and improve our roadways. I want to thank Governor Kathy Hochul and the NY State Department of Transportation for their efforts in moving these projects forward. These upgrades are clear proof that we listen to Westchester residents and are working hard to meet the needs of our constituents. These resurfacing projects will enhance our infrastructure and ensure safer and smoother roads for our communities.”

Edgemont’s Assemblymember Amy Paulin said, “The State’s resurfacing of these roads is a welcome project for the residents of my district. Route 100/Central Avenue is a highly used road through a major commercial hub. Several sections are in desperate need of repair. I thank Governor Hochul and the DOT for incorporating durability, drainage and safety upgrades to the project, and for their dedication to continually improving the State’s infrastructure.”

Edgemont Community Council President Dylan Pyne said, “Advocating for traffic and pedestrian safety has been a priority of the Edgemont Community Council since I became President in 2022. On behalf of the Edgemont Community, thank you to Governor Hochul, Senator Stewart-Cousins, and Assemblymember Paulin, for securing funding to repave Central Park Ave (Route 100). This road has been a source of frequent complaints from the community, and the ECC is optimistic this investment will address longstanding issues with this critical thoroughfare and make it safer for both residents of and visitors to Edgemont alike.”

About the NYS Department of Transportation
It is the mission of the New York State Department of Transportation to provide a safe, reliable, equitable, and resilient transportation system that connects communities, enhances quality of life, protects the environment, and supports the economic well-being of New York State. Lives are on the line; slow down and move over for highway workers!

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