SBNC nominates two candidates

Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.  Please see the below announcement from the SBNC regarding this year’s candidates for the Board of Education.


First, I hope that you and your families are healthy and safe.

This evening, the Edgemont School Board Nominating Committee recommended Monica Sganga and Jennifer DeMarrais to fill the two impending vacancies on the Board of Education. I am happy that we were able to stay on schedule and interview the candidates via a Zoom video meeting.

The SBNC had the good fortune of having four very strong nominees this year. Although Nareen Jabbour and Rebecca Ascher were not nominated, the Committee was very impressed with both Nareen and Rebecca during the evaluation process and hope that they will seek nomination to the Board of Education in the future.

This year, we will hosting our Candidates’ Forum at the Edgemont Community Council’s annual meeting on April 22nd, 2020 in the Greenville School cafeteria.

I am extremely thankful for having had the privilege of being the Chair of a School Board Nominating Committee consisting of 15 members — representing seven civic associations and the Edgemont Community Council — who served with extreme thoughtfulness and dedication throughout the nomination and recommendation process.

These are complex times and I appreciate everyone’s commitment to our community. What is most important is that we all remain healthy and safe taking care of each other and our community.

Thank you and regards,

Andrea K. Weiss