Town of Greenburgh Repairing Curbing in Edgemont - Fall 2024

The Edgemont Community Council would like to make sure residents are aware that the Town of Greenburgh will begin curbing work on the following streets in our community in the next few weeks and continue as weather permits. Curbing work must first be completed before a road is then able to be milled and paved. While access to your driveways will be maintained as best as possible for the duration of the roadwork, please be aware that there may be minor delays.

Cotswold Neighborhood:
Campden Road
Chedworth Road
Medford Lane

Longview Neighborhood:
Kaateskill Place
Moorland Road

Northern Greenville Neighborhood:
Paradise Drive

Old Edgemont Neighborhood:
Uxbridge Road
Walbrooke Road

The Town may post temporary ‘No Parking’ signs to inform residents when to keep these streets clear to facilitate the work.

If you have any questions, please contact Vinny Federici in the Town of Greenburgh Bureau of Engineering at (914) 989-1584. You may also contact the Town at

Dylan F. Pyne
President, The Edgemont Community Council

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