You are invited to take the 4-min survey on improving the safety of Mt. Joy Avenue

To the Edgemont Community,

Hundreds of Edgemont residents participated in the traffic safety surveys during the past few months. Since then, twenty Edgemont community members have stepped up to analyze the results and are halfway complete with their process. The community members are organized into three teams to cover three of the major roads in our community: Ardsley Road, Fort Hill Road, and Old Army Road. Their level of energy and focused effort has been genuinely impressive and we are grateful for the participant’s engagement and commitment.  

The team analyzing Old Army has expanded its scope to include Mt. Joy Ave and to study the safety challenges and opportunities facing the two streets in a systematic way.  If you use the section of Mt. Joy between Central Park Ave and Old Army Road, please take this 4-minute survey. The deadline to complete the survey is July 30th.

Also, if you would like to be part of a future team analyzing Central Park Avenue, please send an email to

Thank you in advance for your participation in this process and for working together to make Edgemont an even greater place to live.

Dylan Pyne, President of the Edgemont Community Council
Lucas Cioffi, Chair of ECC Traffic, Sidewalks, and Safety Committee

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