SBNC Call for Nominations

The Edgemont School Board Nominating Committee (“SBNC”) will hold an open meeting on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 8 pm at Hessler Hall in Greenville Community Church (270 Ardsley Rd. in Edgemont) to receive nominations for candidates for the Board of Education of the Edgemont School District. (In case of excess snow, the meeting will be online with a link posted at Two vacancies on the Board of Education will be filled at the general election on May 16, 2023.  These vacancies will be created by the expiration of the terms of office of Jennifer DeMarrais and Monica Sganga. Ms. DeMarrais has indicated that she intends to seek a second term; Ms. Sganga has served two terms and has indicated that she will not seek another term.

The SBNC invites all Edgemont residents to participate in the nominating process by urging qualified residents of our community to seek nomination to the Board of Education and to submit nomination letters for candidates.

Members of the Board of Education, in a spirit of community volunteerism, serve without compensation. Members are required to attend two public meetings per month (and more at budget time), attend executive sessions, attend committee and ad hoc meetings, and undertake appropriate preparation for these functions.

The nomination of a candidate to the Board of Education must be made in a letter to the SBNC chair and must be received before 8 pm on January 25, 2023. Nominating letters may also be presented in person at the open meeting that evening. The letter may be written by any qualified voter of the Edgemont School District other than a member (or spouse of a member) of the SBNC. In addition to the name and address of the candidate, the letter must contain a brief biographical sketch of the candidate including the candidate’s education, occupation, participation in civic affairs, length of residence in the Edgemont School District, the grade level of any children attending any Edgemont schools, and the year of graduation of any children who have previously attended Edgemont schools. The letter must also contain a statement that the candidate has consented to serve if nominated and elected. Under SBNC rules, any letter that fails to include these items cannot be accepted.  Please address nominating letters to David Stern, SBNC Chair, 221 Old Army Rd., Scarsdale, NY 10583.

Members of the SBNC for the 2022-2023 school year:

Central Park Avenue Assn:John GerraughtyIlir Tota
Cotswold Assn:David FidockKim Luftman 
Edgemont Community Council:Lauren LappenMeredith CohenAlec Clarke (alternate)
Edgemont High School:Ariel Novominski  
Fort Hill Assn:Nancy PaleyEmily WaldmanJessica Goh (alternate)
Greenridge Assn:Ben TanenSharon BenchDana Leff Niedzielska (alternate)
Longview Assn:Matt JaffeSabina SinghJordan Malz (alternate)
Northern Greenville Assn:Jennifer RosinGerri SommersTrupti Patil (alternate)
Old Edgemont Assn:Susanna BergerJanet LinnMichael Frain (alternate)
Southern Greenville Assn:Divya MathurMrinal JhangianiGloria Dodia (alternate)

The undersigned has been appointed chair of the SBNC by the Board of Directors of The Edgemont Community Council pursuant to its Nominating Committee Rules and Procedures.

David M. C. Stern
SBNC Chair

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