Three ECC By-law Amendments to be Considered at 2017 Annual Meeting

The ECC at its Board of Directors at its January 2017 meeting voted to bring three By-Law amendments before the membership at the Annual Meeting to be held on Wednesday, April 26th at 8PM in the Greenville Elementary School Gym. Of the three proposed amendments to the Council’s By-Laws, one addresses the position of the corresponding and recording secretaries, another addresses  where the Chairman of the School Board Nominating Committee is in the ECC Presidential line of succession and the last addresses where Council meeting dates are published. The language of each amendment are as follows:

AMENDMENT 1 – Article V, Section 5 (Directors) and Article VI (Officers)

This amendment formalizes the merger of the position of Corresponding and Recording Secretary. For the past few years the two positions have been held by the same Director. The proposed amendment would codify this practice. The proposed amendment to Article VI, Section 1 of ECC’s Bylaws would delete any reference of a separate Recording or a Corresponding Secretary and combine sections 7 and 8 of Article VI. No other provisions in Article V or VI would be changed.

Article V, Section 5. – No person may serve more the six consecutive full years as an elected director. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corresponding Secretary, the Recording Secretary, and the Treasurer, while serving in their respective offices, may each serve concurrently as a director without limit as to the number of years served.

Article VI, Section 1. – The officers of the Council shall be the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary, all of whom shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Members and who shall serve for a term of one year each. Any Member of the Council shall be eligible for election as President, First Vice-President, or Second Vice-President if such Member is either a director elected by the members whose term has not yet expired or is elected by the Members as a director at the same annual meeting at which such Member is elected to such office. If no director is willing or able to fill the offices of the Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary or Treasurer, any Member of the Council shall be eligible for the election to such offices.

Article VI, Section 6. – The Recording Secretary shall act as the Secretary of all meetings of the members of the Board and the executive committee, shall record the minutes of such meetings, and shall perform such of the duties of the Treasurer, other than keeping of accounts, as may from time to time be delegated to him by the Treasurer.

Article VI, Section 7. – The Corresponding Secretary, at the request of the President, shall also prepare and post all notices of the meetings of Members, Board and committees, and shall take care of such correspondence as may be delegated to him by the President.

AMENDMENT 2 – Article VI (Officers)

This amendment designates the Second Vice-President as head of the School Board Nominating Committee. While the SBNC Rules and Procedures actually identify the ECC President as chairperson of the SBNC, with the First Vice-President serving as SBNC Chair only if the ECC President is ineligible to serve, recent tradition has been for the First Vice-President to serve as chair of the SBNC. However this practice puts the SBNC chair in a precarious position where they would have to take on the responsibilities of ECC Presidency while still maintaining their significant responsibilities as SBNC chair in the event of the resignation or removal of the ECC President. This change would put another layer of officer succession between the SBNC Chair and the ECC Presidency. No other provisions in Article VI would be changed.

Section 4. – The Second Vice-President shall exercise all of the duties of the President if both the President and the First Vice-President shall be absent or unable to act, and if the office of the First Vice-President shall become vacant before the expiration of the term, the Second Vice President shall succeed to the office of the First Vice-President for the remainder of the current term and shall, in general, perform for the President such duties of the President as the President may from time to time delegate to him. The Second Vice-President shall be Chairman of the School Board Nominating Committee. This section shall supersede Edgemont School District School Board Nominating Committee Rules and Procedures A.9.(a).

AMENDMENT 3 – Article V, Section 5 (Directors)
This amendment updates where Directors should look to find the regularly scheduled meetings of the ECC. Considering the School District has stopped publishing the “blue book” as of this year, this section needs to be updated to reflect current practices.  No other provisions in Article V would be changed.

Section 6. – Attendance requirements of the directors of the ECC shall be set at a minimum of 51% of the regularly scheduled meetings as listed in the “Blue Book” posted on the ECC website for the respective school year. Should such requirements not to be met by a Director of Officer during the duration of the annual calendar, this may result in actions including the removal of said Director or Officer by the process listed in Article 5 Section 4 of these by-laws.

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